Location: Texas
In 2012, Peaceful Valley Donkey Rescue gained widespread attention for rescuing a group of donkeys from Hawaii. As a rescue organization, we started wondering about the fate of donkeys that had been there for a long time without being adopted.
With all the publicity surrounding the Hawaiian donkeys, we decided to reach out and inquire if any long-term residents were still looking for homes. We discovered two such donkeys: one with a missing eye and another named Norman, who had an old injury near his ankle. Norman had been relinquished to the rescue by his previous family.
When we visited, they were hosting an open house filled with people and donkeys interacting together. However, when we asked about Norman, we found him standing all alone in a field. It was heart-wrenching. We immediately decided that Norman would be the one we would adopt. He was delivered to us a couple of weeks later, and it’s been a happily ever after since then.
Norman has been the perfect friend, pet, and watchdog. He senses when new dogs are on the property and is incredibly intelligent. He truly is a gentle old soul.